Friday 1 April 2011

The first one is going to be a vampire story. I do love them. I enjoy the twilight saga and the night world ones. Ok, so here we go...

Dear diary...

I hate being here, I never wanted to come on this holiday, I know it is most peoples dream holiday, surrounded by the beautiful scenes of Italy. But I guess I just don't appreciate the heat, the leaning landmarks and the foreign languages ringing in my ears. For most of this week I have stayed inside my small hotel suite, reading and avoiding my mother, Andrea and her boyfriend Paul. It has been a year since my father died. I don't talk about it to anyone. Ever. And I hate Paul. Butting into my life when it was just fine. I had just begun to get things together and then he comes in asking me to call him “dad”.

Just then there was a knock at the door “what do you want?” Isabel knew who it was. It was mother.
“Darling I really think you need some fresh air you have been in that room since Monday. Me and Paul are going down to the bar, maybe you should come and get something for lunch. The maid told me there was ham sandwiches, you like ham don't you honey?”
“I’m not hungry”
“maybe you should come down anyway honey, get some fresh air, spend some quality time with me and Paul. Or if you just want to go the beach...”
“fine! I'll go down to the beach” she reached out and flung the door open and it thudded against the wall. Isabel pushed past her mother and stormed towards the stairs. Just before she reached the first step she turned,eyes narrowed staring at her mother's forlorn face “oh, and mother, I hate ham.” and flew down the stairs. To fast to see her mother's figure slump to the floor with her hear in her hands.

Isabel knew where the beach was, they had passed it on her way to the hotel and it was about two minutes walk from there. As she walked down the steps which led to the sandy beach laid before the crystal blue blanket of water she noticed a boy, all in black walking in the shadows of the walls which lined the shore. He was like nothing she ad ever seen before, his hair was shaggy but the colour of the sand and his eyes were blue. The most beautiful, indescribable blue Isabel had ever seen, like the shining waves lapping at the sand. His walk was graceful but easy and his smile...

She stood on the last step of the stone staircase just staring mesmerised by his beautiful features when her turned to her and smiled...
Ok, so this is my first post on my new blog. Basically, what i want is to share my writing and your writing in a friendly environment. i love writing stories and i would love to be an author. If anyone wants their stories posted, just contact me!